Here's a another year for all of us, a wonderful one at that. I'm looking forward for 2015! My new year resolution? have more faith in God! (not that I don't already, but you get the idea) by that I mean, more bible readings! more workshop and moments to myself, my family, God and Jesus Christ....last more prayers!
Our last post was 12/24/2013! what happened to 2014? I know where I was, where were you? I had a crazy wonderful year and I don't regret any of it. My year went by fast, although at the beginning of the year I said to myself and my co-workers that we still have 364 more days to go...those days went by fast, seems like yesterday that it was 01/01/2014, now it's 12/31/2014....This year, I (Maytia) found out I was having a new addition to the family due in Sept 15th! The months went by very slow in the beginning...probably because i was carrying a child in me. Lots of things happened, like church events, family events, more church events and more family events! Our HMC enjoyed a awesome Summer in August, celebrating and collaborating the Mountain State Mennonite Annual Conference held at Glennen Height, of course I couldn't do much since I was 8 month long, shortly after the annual conference, I had my baby boy Malachi on 08/22/2014. So as you can see, I think I was pretty busy this year, that's probably why there was no blog post from me...Of course, the blogs are open to all officers & members too!
Here's a another year for all of us, a wonderful one at that. I'm looking forward for 2015! My new year resolution? have more faith in God! (not that I don't already, but you get the idea) by that I mean, more bible readings! more workshop and moments to myself, my family, God and Jesus Christ....last more prayers!
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We're all so busy this time of the month. Some of us prep for Christmas in November, while some uses the last minute shopping to make their love ones happy. Even if you were not able to afford a gift to your love ones even though you really wanted to but couldn't, its OK! As long as you have each other, a roof over your head and enough on the table, that is the best present. Besides, think of it this way, everyone has been spoiled throughout the year.
There is no time for saving when it comes to December, it's impossible, so wait until the beginning of the year next year for a fresh new start. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! and BE SAFE & GOD BLESS! There's the Hmong culture New Year to celebrate in November and December! Including churches all over the world who will be celebrating their own congregation New Year and Christmas events!
Mark your calendars for the following up coming events and be there to celebrate with us! Hmong Mennonite Church New Year Celebration 2013! & Hmong Mennonite Christmas Celebration 2013! This is the time when we think back and see what we've all accomplish or would like to have done different. Call your families and tell them you miss them, love them and that you'll visit soon. Last...starts shopping for Christmas or be creative and make your gifts out of scratch! The year is going by quick, we're already in mid October!
We have to thank our Lord and Savior for being with us daily in our lives. The cold season is approaching fast... ....When we're struggling to keep a roof over our head, food on the table and loose hope because we can't meet our financial needs, let all your worries begone and have faith and trust in God. Relief yourself to God, ask for guidance, strength, will/faith and forgiveness. Talk to God in your heart, mind and soul ...daily... Like many others who are struggling and feels that life just seems unfair....I too, am struggling...but I leave my faith to God and I thank him instead for giving me what I have family, healthy and living/breathing next to me, a stable roof over heads, working transportation, family and friends...Dry food that can turn a pot of soup, making you feel wealthy...nothing could beat that. Use the gift God provided you with to build what you don't have...than ask, seek and knock and God will answer. mm. It's been a busy summer and it's still is for most of us...Our everyday personal agenda keeps us busy, relax and busy again...
What ever you do in your days, don't forget to pause and thank God, don't forget to pause and praise and don't forget to cherish those around you even if you don't like them or vice versa. be safe and be well...HMC of Colorado, currently has no pastor and we do tend to feel at lost, but God's sheep is waiting with every effort in faith we have...let's keep it strong! It's been a while since a bog has been posted....We've all been really busy during the summer and it's not even over yet! Keep your calendar up to date! 2013 MSMC Annual Assembly August 2-4, 2013 2013 HMCM Women Annual Conference August 9-10, 2013 Come join us on these 2 up coming occasions!
COOL TIPS~ Kids are going back to school soon next month, remember to clip those coupons, especially if you have more than one child to buy supplies for! For the selected Women ministries who are handling the specified dishes, don't forget to be there at:
Glennon Heights Mennonite Church 11480 W. Virginia Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 by 11:30 pm. Lunch starts at 12:00 pm. Our goal? HMCM Women Annual Conference The Easter event was fun and nice. We got to see faces we haven't seen in a while...Wish those who couldn't make it were here as well...maybe next keeps us busy.
Talking about busy, it was said during the service by one of our elder "don't wait until a day like Easter or other special event to occur for us to come together, rather let us gather this way every Sunday in order for us to be blessed". Meaning behind this is up to you...the words were provided as support and guidence. Hope everyone enjoyed it and remember why we celebrate Easter. Lots to always...
look for updates and pay attention to calendar events! Up comming= Easter! Daylight savings begins 03/10/2013! Sunday. Love is ALWAYS in the air when it comes to God!
This February 2013, we are anticipating our HMC Valentine event on 02/10/2013! We will have dinner, songs and multiple fun activities for the men's this year since the women ministry are hosting this event! The women ministries will need the Youth's help to accomplish this task, each of the Youths have been assign a duty to make this work, we hope to see everyone there! Like they say in those Korean Dramas....AJA AJA FIGHTING! If anything, the sad part is, Yes we cancelled the EGG ROLL FUND RAISER that was originally planned on 02/12 to 02/ was too close to last sale and with tax season, majority of the women ministries agreed to cancel the February fund raising. BUT, we'll be ready for MARCH! |