Our last post was 12/24/2013! what happened to 2014? I know where I was, where were you? I had a crazy wonderful year and I don't regret any of it. My year went by fast, although at the beginning of the year I said to myself and my co-workers that we still have 364 more days to go...those days went by fast, seems like yesterday that it was 01/01/2014, now it's 12/31/2014....This year, I (Maytia) found out I was having a new addition to the family due in Sept 15th! The months went by very slow in the beginning...probably because i was carrying a child in me. Lots of things happened, like church events, family events, more church events and more family events! Our HMC enjoyed a awesome Summer in August, celebrating and collaborating the Mountain State Mennonite Annual Conference held at Glennen Height, of course I couldn't do much since I was 8 month long, shortly after the annual conference, I had my baby boy Malachi on 08/22/2014. So as you can see, I think I was pretty busy this year, that's probably why there was no blog post from me...Of course, the blogs are open to all officers & members too!
Here's a another year for all of us, a wonderful one at that. I'm looking forward for 2015! My new year resolution? have more faith in God! (not that I don't already, but you get the idea) by that I mean, more bible readings! more workshop and moments to myself, my family, God and Jesus Christ....last more prayers!
Here's a another year for all of us, a wonderful one at that. I'm looking forward for 2015! My new year resolution? have more faith in God! (not that I don't already, but you get the idea) by that I mean, more bible readings! more workshop and moments to myself, my family, God and Jesus Christ....last more prayers!