06/02/2012 YARD SALE
The Yard Sale was a blast! pictures of the event:
Majority of the clothings you see here were all donated after the Yard Sale, some were kept for our next Yard Sale.
Yard Sale

On: 06/02/2012
From: 8:00 a.m.
To: 3:00 p.m.
There will drinks and lots of good yard sale items suchs as:
* Clothings = Men, Women, Youths, Toddlers
* Shoes = Men, Women, Youths, Toddlers
* Accessories = Household items and decorations
* Cards = Selected varieties
* Stuff animals = Lots and Lots of different cute stuffed toys!
* Toys = Lots and Lots of toys!
We hope to see our members there for a fun and exciting day! Let us all join hand to accomplish another super FUN fund raiser DAY to increase our general expense which will be used for up comming goals and activities for the whole congregation!
The congregation will be selling drinks to help freshen-up all of our members and our customers!
From: 8:00 a.m.
To: 3:00 p.m.
There will drinks and lots of good yard sale items suchs as:
* Clothings = Men, Women, Youths, Toddlers
* Shoes = Men, Women, Youths, Toddlers
* Accessories = Household items and decorations
* Cards = Selected varieties
* Stuff animals = Lots and Lots of different cute stuffed toys!
* Toys = Lots and Lots of toys!
We hope to see our members there for a fun and exciting day! Let us all join hand to accomplish another super FUN fund raiser DAY to increase our general expense which will be used for up comming goals and activities for the whole congregation!
The congregation will be selling drinks to help freshen-up all of our members and our customers!