Egg Roll Fund Raiser 01/31/2013
Starts: 01/21/2013
Ends: 01/28/2013
Last day to turn in orders: 01/29/2013
Delivery: 01/31/2013
OUR FUND RAISING GOAL = HMCM Women Annual Conference Camp held on 08/09-11/2013!
As usual, order forms are provided to each HMC women ministry for order counts.
The preperation will be different than how we normally do which is to cut all ingredients first at one of our women ministry's home. The next morning, the egg roll will be mixed & stuffed & rolled and fried that morning and ready for delivery fresh.
Let's make this work! If we don't have enough orders, we won't be able to accomplish this fund raising goal! The more sale, the less we have to incur on registration fees!
We will all meet on 01/30/2013 for a get together preperation at 6:30 pm...The preperation location will be at Za Teng's home.
For our HMC Women ministies, you can download the forms here:
Ends: 01/28/2013
Last day to turn in orders: 01/29/2013
Delivery: 01/31/2013
OUR FUND RAISING GOAL = HMCM Women Annual Conference Camp held on 08/09-11/2013!
As usual, order forms are provided to each HMC women ministry for order counts.
The preperation will be different than how we normally do which is to cut all ingredients first at one of our women ministry's home. The next morning, the egg roll will be mixed & stuffed & rolled and fried that morning and ready for delivery fresh.
Let's make this work! If we don't have enough orders, we won't be able to accomplish this fund raising goal! The more sale, the less we have to incur on registration fees!
We will all meet on 01/30/2013 for a get together preperation at 6:30 pm...The preperation location will be at Za Teng's home.
For our HMC Women ministies, you can download the forms here:
We REACHED our Goal! Thank you everyone who contributed to make this work. Although we cancelled February egg roll fund raiser, we'll make up for it so each and everyone of us can attend the Hmong Mennonite Church Mission Women 3rd Annual Conference!
We REACHED our Goal! Thank you everyone who contributed to make this work. Although we cancelled February egg roll fund raiser, we'll make up for it so each and everyone of us can attend the Hmong Mennonite Church Mission Women 3rd Annual Conference!