Children Ministries
Here you'll find pictures and videos of our Hmong Mennonite Church children ministries, their activities, special songs and other occasion events.
02/25/2018 Children Ministry
06/03/2018 Children Ministry
12/23/2018 Children Ministry
01/20/2019 Children Ministry
On 03/17/2019, children ministry class ages 5-12 went on a class outing across the street from the church.
10/27/2024 - Kids wore their costume and a prize was given to the "best costume" child, voted by the congregation.
Fun time with the children ministry who dressed up on this Sunday!
**************The winner: Blue Grim Reaper, Abel. *****************
Fun time with the children ministry who dressed up on this Sunday!
**************The winner: Blue Grim Reaper, Abel. *****************